Hospice and Palliative Care

When you or a loved one is facing a serious or advanced illness, care, support, and compassion matter most. Determining next steps and finding a partner who understands your health concerns and goals of care are so important. We are here to help.


Caring For You Every Step of the Way

At Care Dimensions, we understand the unique needs and challenges an advanced illness presents for you and your loved ones. We are dedicated to supporting you with the expertise and experience you need every step of the way. Our approach combines advanced medical support, including specialized pain and symptom management, with compassionate and expert care that brings comfort and peace. 

Focusing on our patients’ emotional and medical needs is why we have been the region’s hospice care leader for over four decades. We understand the complexities of facing an advanced illness, and the challenges this can bring for patients and their loved ones. Our integrated hospice team works with you, your loved ones, and your doctors to develop an individualized, patient-centered care plan to meet your needs.  

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Where You Need Us To Be

Whether you need nursing care, pain and symptom management, spiritual and emotional support, or companionship, our expert care team provides comprehensive hospice services wherever you live or receive care – your home, hospital, nursing home, assisted living, group home or anywhere else you call home.  

Our Inpatient Hospice Houses in Danvers & Lincoln, MA

When a higher level of care is needed for acute pain and symptom control, Care Dimensions has two general in-patient level hospice houses available for patients. Patient care is managed by a team of physicians, nurses, hospice aides, social workers, and chaplains.  

Palliative Care

Relieving Pain, Symptoms and Stress

People who struggle with pain and symptoms related to a serious illness but are not ready or don't qualify for hospice care often benefit from palliative care. At Care Dimensions, our palliative care specialists partner with the patient's doctors to offer additional support to improve their quality of life at whatever point they may be in the course of their illness, whether it is at the diagnosis stage or during treatment. 

Our aim is to enhance the lives of those impacted by illness, empowering them with knowledge and helping them understand what to expect as the illness progresses. We give our patients and their caregivers the knowledge they need to maintain comfort and independence, improving everyday life.

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Care at Any Age and Stage

A Layer of Assistance

Palliative care provides an essential support system for both patients and their families, helping to decrease the need for hospital stays and trips to the emergency room.

Palliative care enhances and eases daily life for adults with chronic or advanced diseases, including:

  • Cancer (any stage)
  • Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease
  • Respiratory disease (COPD, emphysema)
  • Cardiac disease, congestive heart failure, stroke
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between hospice and palliative care?
Hospice and palliative care are specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness that focuses on providing relief from the burden of physical symptoms as well as on the psychosocial and spiritual stress of illness. While both palliative care and hospice focus on giving people the best quality of life possible, hospice provides care and support during the stage of life when a cure is no longer possible, and the burdens of treatments outweigh the benefits. Palliative care is not time limited. Palliative Care can follow individuals from diagnosis throughout treatment and eventually, with some, a transition to hospice.
When should I start hospice services?
Despite the many benefits of hospice care, several families wait to call hospice until the final days and/or weeks of their loved one’s life. It’s important to talk to your doctor about your illness and how your disease is progressing. Discussing end-of-life care early on will ensure that hospice is brought in at the appropriate time providing the care and support that the patient and family/caregiver requires to optimize quality of life.
Will my insurance cover hospice care?
Medicare covers 100% of the cost of hospice services for eligible patients. It is an inclusive benefit that covers all services related to the terminal diagnosis. Most Medicaid and commercial insurances also cover hospice.